We recommend that you configure this plugin before using the commands. See how to configure the plugin below.

Boomerang’s ticket plugin allows for tickets to be created in your server with web transcripts, custom branding, and multiple panels, allowing for organisation and communication between staff and members.

Ticket Configuration

  1. Enable the ticket plugin by running /config > "Configure Plugins" and then enable the tickets plugin.
  2. Go to the ticket configuration embed by running /config > "Configure Tickets" and then click on the setting option you’d like to configure.
Edit SubjectsEdit the ticket subjects and the permissions and settings associated with them
Edit PanelsEdit the panels which are used by users to open tickets
  1. The changes you have configured will automatically apply without you needing to confirm any changes.

Edit Subjects

This is where subjects are created, edited, deleted, or imported.

Subject Creation

  1. Go to Config > Configure Tickets > Edit Subjects > Create Subject, click back on the select menu and select the newly created subject.
  2. Configure the name of the subject in order for it to be easily identified.
NameThe name of the subject for easy identification
CategoryThe category in which tickets will be created under the subject
CreationToggle if tickets are able to be created in the subject
Transcript ChannelWhere transcripts and details of tickets will be sent after a ticket’s closing
Ticket AccessThe access to the ticket: Read defines who can read the contents of the channel, Write defines who can use commands and manage the ticket, Required defines the roles required to open the ticket
Ticket OpeningSettings for opening the ticket. Form is a form that is asked before opening the ticket, giving quick details to those who handle the ticket. Mention is the mention upon opening. The user is automatically mentioned upon opening.
Ticket ClosingSettings that apply upon the closing of a ticket. Close confirmation confirms that the staff member wishes to close the ticket instead of immediately closing it. Close by opener toggles whether the user who opened the ticket is allowed to close the ticket themselves. Close on leave makes it so that if the user who opened the ticket leaves the server, the ticket automatically closes. Feedback on close sends a DM to the user who opened the ticket, prompting them to give feedback on the staff member who claimed the ticket.

Subject Editing

To edit a subject, navigate to the subject through Config > Configure Tickets > Edit Subjects, then select your subject. Follow the table above to edit each field to your preferences.

Subject Deletion

To delete a subject, navigate to the subject through Config > Configure Tickets > Edit Subjects > Delete Subject, then select the subject you wish to delete.

Subject Importation

To import a subject, navigate through Config > Configure Tickets > Edit Subjects > Import Subject, enter the code of the subject to import, and then edit the subject to fit your server’s roles, channels, and categories.

Edit Panels

The panels are where subjects are put into a message to be sent and interacted with.

Panel Creation

  1. Go to Config > Configure Tickets > Edit Panels > Create Panel, click on the select menu and select the newly created panel.
  2. Configure the title of the panel to easily identify it.
TitleThe name of the panel for identification
ChannelThe channel in which the panel will be sent
CreationIf the panel is able to be interacted with
TypeThe type of component in the panel, either select menu or buttons
SubjectsThe subjects included in the panel
Panel ButtonsIf the panel type is set to buttons, configure button styles, emojis, and labels
Send Ticket PanelSend the configured panel to the chosen channel

Panel Editing

To edit a panel, navigate to Config > Configure Tickets > Edit Panels and use the table above to edit the panel to your customisation.

Panel Deletion

To delete a panel, navigate to the panel through Config > Configure Tickets > Edit Panels > Delete Panel, then select the panel you wish to delete.

Panel Importation

To import a panel, navigate to Config > Configure Tickets > Edit Panels > Import Panel, enter the code of the panel to import, and then edit it to fit your server’s channels.


/ticket addAdd a user to the ticket the command is run in
/ticket blacklistBlacklist a user from using tickets in the subject
/ticket claimClaim the current ticket
/ticket closeClose the ticket the command is run inside
/ticket feedbackView feedback of the server, or individual staff
/ticket manageView and manage transcripts
/ticket openOpen a new ticket in the chosen subject
/ticket removeRemove a user from a ticket
/ticket requestRequest to close an active ticket