We recommend that you configure this plugin before using the commands. See how to configure the plugin below.

Boomerang’s infraction plugin allows you to manage your staff team and hand out discipline efficiently and ease. This plugin allows for customization to fit your server’s needs.

Infractions Configuration

  1. Enable the infractions plugin by running /config > "Configure Plugins" and then enable the infractions plugin.
  2. Go to the infractions configuration embed by running /config > "Configure Infractions" and then click on the setting option you’d like to configure.
Infractions ChannelThis is the channel where infractions will be posted in.
Infraction RolesThis the the role that are able to infract and use infraction commands.
Infraction TypesInformation about infraction types can be found below.
  1. The changes you have configured will automatically change without you needing to confirm any changes.

Customise Embed

If you’d like to create a customisable infraction embed you are able to do so using Boomerang. Be sure to follow each step carefully and make sure you have configured the infractions plugin correctly before doing this.

  1. Run the /config command and find the “Configure Infraction” option.
  2. Click on the “Configure Custom Embed” option and customise the embed to your liking.

Infractions Types

Boomerang offers the ability to customise the infraction types other than just the basic inactivity notice, strike, demotion, warning, and termination you are able to add your own infraction types. You can add infraction types by running the /config > Configure Infractions > Configure Infraction Types command.

Issue Infractions

In order to issue an infraction you must have fully configured the infractions plugin by using /config. You must have the configured “Infraction Roles” or have the “Management” role in order to infraction staff members. You are not able to issue an infraction to those who are a higher rank than you.

/infraction issue - Issue an infraction to a staff member. By default, Boomerang will DM the staff members once the infraction is issued.

If you issue an infraction and the infraction type is Termination the user will automatically be revoked of their permissions in the server and will automatically be removed from the staff database. At this time, you cannot customise which infraction type removes them from the database or removes game permissions.

/infraction issueIssue an infraction to a staff member. By default, Boomerang will DM the staff members once the infraction is issued.
/infraction listDisplays all infractions of a specific staff member. If the infraction is voided, the infraction will be crossed out.
/infraction caseYou can view a specific infraction case, void the infraction, and edit the infraction with this command.