Frequent Questions
This page is dedicated to providing answers for common questions we receive. Questions are categorised as either “General”, “Configuration”, or “Billing”.
If you still can’t find the answer you’re searching for, feel free to drop into our support server and ask there!
How do I invite Boomerang?
Boomerang needs to be bought before you may use it. To invite Boomerang to an enabled server, run /account manage
and select the Invite button.
How can I manage my account (or servers)?
You can manage your servers by running the command /account manage
. In addition, you can activate or deactivate existing servers.
Does Boomerang have prefix (text) commands?
No, Boomerang does not have prefix commands. These commands are limited to staff for internal purposes.
Where do I report a bug?
You can report bugs by joining our support server and opening a #support thread.
Can I apply for Support?
No, support applications are currently closed. If support applications do ever open you will be notified in our Discord server.
Can I apply for Developer?
We are not looking for any Developers to hire. If developer positions do ever open you will be notified in our Discord server.
Does Boomerang have any Affiliation program?
No, Boomerang currently does not offer nor intend to offer an affiliation program soon.
How do I set up?
You can configure Boomerang using the command /config
. You need Administrator, Manage Server, or Management Roles permission to configure Boomerang.
What are configuration roles?
Configuration roles allow users with specific permissions to modify settings on your server. You can find information about roles here.
How do I purchase?
Boomerang is a paid service and you buy it via our website for $10. Please read all the information on the website before buying and if you have any further questions, contact our support team.
How can I get my server ID?
Ensure that you have developer mode enabled in User Settings > Advanced. After that, just right-click (or hold down on mobile) on the server of your choosing and click “Copy Server ID”.
- How to find Server ID or run
- YouTube Tutorial