We recommend that you configure this plugin before using the commands. See how to configure the plugin below.

Boomerangs Raid Detection plugin allows the bot to detect a raid through the game logs channel by detecting if a mod/admin/kick/ban command had more than a customised threshold of users.

Raid Detection Configuration

  1. Enable the raid detection plugin by running /config > "Configure Plugins" and then enable the raid detection plugin.
  2. Go to the raid detection configuration embed by running /config > "Configure Raid Detection" and then click on the setting option you’d like to configure.
Raid Announcement ChannelThis is the channel that the raid detection announcement will be sent in your Discord.
User Affected ThresholdThis configures how many members the moderator/admin needs to kick, ban, admin, or unadmin for Boomerang to classify it as a raid.
Auto Ban UserThis configures if the user who has conducted the suspicious activity (aka raid activity) should be instantly banned and removed of staff privileges or banned upon a button being pressed in the raid announcement channel.
Detection PingThis configures the roles you want pinged when a raid is detected. The ping will be sent alongside the raid announcement in the raid announcement channel. These pings can also be @here or @everyone.
Game Log ChannelYou must select the game log channel as the channel where your PRC commands logs are logged in. Having the kick/ban logs sending in the game commands log channel will break the raid detection plugin.
  1. The changes you have configured will automatically change without you needing to confirm any changes.
Having your Kick/Ban Logs also log in the configured Game Log Channel will result in the raid detection system not functioning. Anyone that has access to the Raid Detection Channel can hit the button to ban the suspected offender. We recommend you be cautious about whom you allow to access the raid detection channel.
Boomerang will detect the raid if the suspected offender uses :kick all or :ban all. We recommend you be cautious when using such commands for good intentions (e.g., shutting down the session) as it may result in your staff members being banned.