Here are some of the variables you can use when customising your Boomerang custom embeds. We strive for customisation when configuring your custom embeds. These variables will allow you to configure your embeds exactly to your preference. These variables can be used on any part of the embed.

These variables are case sensitive. If a letter is a capital you must input a capital and vice versa. The guild and user variables can be used in any module.

Guild Variables

{}Displays the ID of the guild the command was ran in.
{guild.icon}Only can be used in the footer image, author image, thumbnail, or image. Displays the guild’s avatar.
{}Displays the name of the guild the command was ran in.
{guild.vanity}Displays the guild vanity invite.
{guild.boosters}Displays the amount of boosters the server has.
{guild.members}Displays the amount of members the server has.

User Variables

{user}Displays the username of the user who was specified.
{user.avatar}Only can be used in the footer image, author image, thumbnail, or image. Displays the user’s avatar.
{user.mention}Mentions the user who was specified.
{}Displays the ID of the user who was specified.
{user.display}Displays the display name of the user who was specified.

Infractions Plugin

{case}Displays the case number of an infraction.
{type}Displays the infraction type used.
{reason}Displays the reason of the infraction.
{notes}Displays the notes given for the infraction.
{expiration}Displays when the infraction expires.
{issuer}Displays the username of who issued the infract.

Sessions Plugin

{votesRequired}Only can be used for session vote. Displays the amount of votes needed to start the session.
{timestamp}Only can be used for session full. Displays the relative timestamp.
{players}Only can be used for session start. Displays the amount of players in the ERLC server if the API key is configured. Updates every 15 minutes.

Giveaway Plugin

{prize}Displays the prize for the giveaway.
{winners}Displays the amount of winners the giveaway can have.
{entries}Displays the amount of entries the giveaway has.
{host}Mentions the host of the giveaway.

Promotions Plugin

{}Displays the rank the user has been promoted to.
{rank.previous}Displays the rank the user previously had.
{reason}Displays the reason for the promotion.
{issuer}Displays the username of who issued the promotion.

Server Stats Plugin

{members}Displays the amount of members in the server.
{boosters}Displays the amount of server boosters.
{players}Displays the amount of players in your ERLC server. Only works if you have a API key set.